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Table of Contents
Made from sturdy material
The most important care instructions
Clean bag
Repair defective bags yourself
Supposedly defective bags
What you shouldn't do with your bags

Baumbad produces tree watering bags that will last for several years if used correctly. And when the bags are no longer usable over the years, our customers order from us again - such as our first customers from 2019. And yet, even with the high quality of workmanship, there are a few things to consider so that the bags continue to serve their purpose years can fulfill. Here you can find out everything about caring for your baumbad bags.

Made from sturdy material

The baumbad irrigation bags have been developed for a period of use of several years. We made them as simple as possible so that they are all the more durable. We also use tear and impact resistant material with a supportive weave. We also produce the bags with a high material density: the 75 liter baumbad PVC bag, for example, weighs 680 grams, which corresponds to a weight of 400 grams per m2. This high material density forms the backbone for the robust bag. The baumbad PE bag is even more robust than the PVC bag because it has been additionally reinforced.

The most important care instructions

Before we start with the care instructions, it is important to understand the main factors that reduce the lifespan of tree bags. These are:

  • Weather influences such as storms, hail, frost and snow
  • Lawnmower or robotic lawnmower
  • Winter services sweeping snow
  • Rodents, martens or larger wild animals. They drink from the bags if they can't find any other water

And here are the main factors that cause the bags to become clogged:

  • Use of stagnant water with algae, for example from ponds
  • Use of very hard water
  • Algae formation after very long use
  • Fertilizer additives (depending on chemical composition)

The most important care instructions can be derived from this:

  • Only leave the bags hanging on the tree during the months when they are needed. When the watering season ends in the fall, the bags should be cleaned and dried and stored in a dry place.
  • Remove the bags from the tree when mowing the lawn.
  • During periods of high heat and prolonged drought, place water in another container for rodents. Then the animals don't need to gnaw on bags.
  • Use clean water if possible.
  • Position the bags correctly to allow for efficient water distribution around the tree roots. Make sure the bags are centered around the tree trunk so that the weight of the water is evenly distributed throughout the bag.
  • Make sure the zippers are properly closed when combining multiple watering bags together.

Clean bag

On this topic you can find Here is my own blog article.

Store bags for the winter

On this topic you can find here an important article.

Repair defective bags yourself

If you notice a leak or damage, you should repair the bags immediately. Small problems are usually much easier to fix. If there is any damage to the bag, please feel free to contact our customer service. We are very accommodating and will be happy to help you. In addition, we also offer free repair patches made from recycled bags. We also tested different repair methods and summarized our experiences repair instructions collected. 

If the bags are clogged: Simply pierce the holes carefully with a needle.  

Supposedly defective bags

From our experience we know that defective bags are often not defective, but simply due to application errors. Do the bags leak too quickly or too slowly? Then definitely contact us. Then we can find a solution together. You can also in ours FAQ section Find explanatory videos and application notes that offer solutions for this.

And here it is again Instructions for the correct use of the irrigation bag.

What not to do with your bag

We have that too wrote an article. It is largely based on real experiences from our daily business.

And now we wish you a lot of fun with your tree baths and the trees. By following these tips and guidelines, you will help maintain the quality of your tree watering bags so they remain effective and have a long lifespan.


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