Summer linden origin

The summer linden (Tilia platyphyllos) is a deciduous tree and belongs to the genus of lindens in the mallow family. It is one of the most popular deciduous trees in Germany and Europe and, depending on the species, reaches a height of between 15 and 40 m and can live up to 1.000 years. The species are divided into summer linden and small-leaved linden. They have more in common than differences. The summer linden is widespread in more southern regions, in contrast to the small-leaved linden. In Central Europe, both species are equally represented.

It plays an important role in cultural history and is considered a friend of people and a lucky charm. The linden tree is mentioned in many old folk texts and songs and countless places, streets and restaurants in Germany have the word linden in their name. The most famous street is the magnificent boulevard "Unter den Linden", where many of Berlin's important sights can be seen and where the first linden trees have been planted since 1647.

The summer linden is a tree of life, because its flowers, leaf buds, honey and fruit are food and are used as therapeutic household remedies, in medicine and cosmetics. The flowers of the summer linden appear for the first time in June to August, between the ages of 20 and 30. They are five-petaled with a double perianth, greenish yellow, star-shaped and hermaphroditic. The flowers reach a diameter of about two centimeters and hang from a long, narrow bract that carries the ripe fruit through the air. The leaves are up to 12 cm long, heart-shaped, slightly hairy and sharply serrated. The upper side is seed green and the underside is light green. The leaves of the summer linden are evenly green in color and the leaf stalk is also hairy. The fruits are about one centimeter long, five-edged and spherical to oblong. They are covered in felt and have a greenish-yellow color. They contain oil and can be eaten raw or cooked as a snack or as a salad garnish. Tea made from linden blossoms is said to reduce fever, loosen mucus, induce sweating and induce diuretics.

Summer linden care and location

The perfect location for a summer linden tree is sunny to light, partially shaded and the soil is calcareous, loose and moist. The trees can reach a crown diameter of 30 m and should not be planted near a building. The linden tree forms a heart root system with a high proportion of fine roots. Many roots run along the surface of the earth.

Pruning lime tree

In general, linden trees do not require a lot of care. They tolerate pruning without any problems. The best time is autumn before the first frost. Old and rotten branches should be removed and the outer contours should be brought into shape.

Watering summer linden

Increasing dryness and rising temperatures are causing stress in trees. Depending on the location and the climate, watering may be necessary more frequently than in previous years. Linden trees thrive in moist soil, which is why it is important to ensure sufficient moisture. Young linden trees in particular should be watered on hot days in the first few months to ensure they take root properly. The water requirements of a linden tree depend on several factors, such as the length of the dry period and the condition of the tree.
As a general rule, you can estimate 75 to 100 liters per watering for young trees and 200 liters for older trees. With conventional watering, only a fraction of the water poured is absorbed directly by the tree. Large amounts of water only penetrate the surface of the soil and evaporate again.

With tree bath watering bags Over a period of several hours, water is released drop by drop through two small holes to the tree. This ensures even moisture levels so that the roots near the surface can also absorb the water. Using a tree bath watering bag not only saves you time and money, but also protects the trees in the long term and sustainably.

Fertilizing summer lime

A fertilization is no longer necessary in old age, but young linden trees benefit from compost or horn shavings in spring and autumn.

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